本学期开学前,我参加了2014年浙江省青少年儿童象棋锦标赛。看着对阵表,我心里想:你们虽然是全省各地的高手,但我不能怕你们,而且要努力赢你们!在比赛时,我沉着地走好每一步棋,遇到危险的时刻,我总是想方设法避免损失。有一局,我对上了象棋大师的女儿陈丽媛,心里害怕极了,因为我曾经输给她过。但是,我又在心里暗暗地对自己说:不要怕!一定要有信心,才能战胜她!我勇敢地下着下着,细细地想着想着,终于布了一个陷阱,陈丽媛不小心“跌”进了陷阱 ……此处隐藏2683个字…… entire life fills is imprisoned the pain which the bitter service and drifts about destitute, this is the novel main clue.
" les miserables " is the work which one realism and the romanticism unifies, the very many chapters glitter the realism glory, such as , in 1832 paris's street barricade war all wrote is quite real. but the romanticism technique quite was also obvious in the plot arrangement, writes the many extraordinary events. if ran a rang lets lie down is lifted in the coffin the monastery, he rescues from the street barricade marilius, all is strange, molds, environment description, symbolic and contrast technique aspect and so on utilization in the character image, also manifests the romanticism the characteristic